
A whole mess of stupid...

So recently I was sitting on my porch and low and behold, I see a few kids playing around with cherry bombs, unsupervised and acting like fools. Now as most people know I run my own little candy store at home, so one of these kids mom comes over to buy, you guessed it, candy. This woman is laughing because one of the kids threw a cherry bomb into one of the apartments and whomever it was that was sitting in the balcony pretty much pissed their pants when they heard the boom. Mind you it's 11 pm,  and these kids have no business being in the street at this time. I'm not going to go into the details of our discussion. It's not really important. what is however important is that this beast of a parent thinks it's cool that these kids are playing with something that is potentially dangerous if not even fatal in some cases and she has the audacity to say that kids will be kids. I'm sorry, is that what you are going to tell the doctor when your child blows his fingers off, or when he accidentally blows his friends face off? What the hell is going on with parents these days that they can laugh at something so serious? What if there was a child in that balcony which I happen to know there is, what then? These are the parents that should have social services all over their asses, but yet,  surprise, surprise, they aren't.

 Watch this video and then tell me kids will be kids...


That voice that doesn't let me sleep.

I have plans for you, what are you waiting for?, why wont you come to me?. That voice over and over. The voice of  Jesus Christ. Finally tonight I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour and i feel good! I needed change. I felt that nothing was going right in my life, that the days were going by fast and that my life was a boring routine of work, home, eat, sleep and problems but here I am today praising his name over and over and knowing that if He went through so much to wash away my sins, then the least I can do is serve Him and praise Him. Everything is clear now like having a pair  of glasses lying  around for a long time, finally putting them on then sitting there wondering why the heck didn't I put these on sooner... God bless!


10 things every new parent should know.

  1. Childbirth is painful.  It is memorable i'll give you that... BECAUSE IT IS PAINFUL!
  2. Remember the clean bathroom? I don't.
  3. What the hell is that stuck on the ceiling? last nights' spaghetti my friend, it does in fact stick when its done.
  4. Seek God, pray. You connect with the Lord plus they won't bother you because by this time you will have instilled in them the fear of God. Trust me they will not mess with Him.
  5. I'm sure there's a bed under that clothes.
  6. Charity plays an intricate role in the development of your child. My son has taken to feeding third world countries, he keeps them in his stomach.
  7. What the hell is that stuck on the ceiling? (no, I'm not repeating #3), oh no worries, it's the soap... just in case we run out.
  8. Food? I haven't eaten since 1998.
  9. Television is overrated, keep that in mind because you won't be seeing your favorite shows for a long, long time.
  10. Love them. They grow up so fast and before you know it you'll be missing those monday morning fights on the way to school.